This mode allows permanent display of Coronavirus stats for the location selected when generating the widget.
This free widget can be used without any restrictions, by website owners who would like to display official Coronavirus COVID-19 statistics on their website.
The Coronavirus Widget will fit most websites with its compact 250x250 pixels size, consisting of only a PNG graphic file and no JavaScript.
The Coronavirus Widget, can show detailed local statistics for thousands of locations around the world. A key feature of the Coronavirus Widget is to show local disease infection rate information, including rates of growth, flattening and deceleration. Your website visitors will see the safety levels for a particular local area.
The Coronavirus Widget can be served in 2 modes: (i) static (based on selected location), or (ii) dynamic (based on the geographic location of a website visitor’s IP address).
For the best website user experience, we recommend installing the dynamic IP location-based version of the Coronavirus Widget in order to serve personalized content for your website visitors.